公益財団法人 長坂国際奨学財団
NAGASAKA International Scholarship Foundation
このような経緯から、株式会社小泉 グループ最高顧問 長坂紘司が「公益財団法人 長坂国際奨学財団」を設立しました。当財団では、品行方正・成績優秀でありながら、厳しい経済状況である東南アジア出身の留学生を奨学援助することで、グローバル社会で活躍出来る人材の育成に寄与することを目的とします。
代表理事 長坂紘司
In recent years, as society, culture, and the economy progressively become more globalized, the barriers between nations are slowly disappearing.
Given these circumstances, the importance of developing talented people who can play an active part in such a global society is greater than ever.
Also, the number of international students coming to Japan is increasing prominently. It is said that about nine out of ten of them are from Asia.
Considering that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology plans to accept 300,000 international students by 2020, and that Japan faces various issues such as an aging society and the decline of the labor force, this trend is likely to continue.
On the other hand, due to high commodity prices and increasing housing expenses, international students, especially those who live in the capital region, face financial difficulties.
Recognizing these realities, Koji Nagasaka, the chairman of Koizumi Co., Ltd., established the Nagasaka International Scholarship Foundation. The purpose of the foundation is to provide financial support to international students from Southeast Asia who demonstrate both good personal conduct and exceptional academic achievement yet face severe economic hardship. By supporting these students, the Foundation aims to contribute to the development of human resources who will play an active role in global society.
In addition, launching this program for international students from Southeast Asia who are attending universities or other learning institutions in the capitol region is intended as a token of gratitude to this region which has long supported Koizumi Co., Ltd.
We plan to select students to be awarded scholarships chiefly on the basis of personal character.
We greatly appreciate your understanding and your cooperation.
代表理事 長坂紘司
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